We singers, musicians, teachers and heart-based entrepreneurs are well-served having regular life check-ins and brain-storming sessions, as I mentioned in my last post.
Here’s another avenue for inspiration and guidance I have found indispensable over the last 20+ years – a practice I call “the Godwalk”. This quick minute and 40 second video describes the process. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNSqwV7nBOI
Two weeks ago, I headed to one of my favorite stores in all of Portland, Savory Spice Shop https://www.savoryspiceshop.com in Sellwood. I love Sellwood. It has several cool antique shops, a great vibe, and proprietors set out water bowls for dogs in front of the stores (always a plus to this animal lover.)
Since I was already in the neighborhood, I decided to take my Godwalk there instead of in my Lake Oswego neighborhood as I usually do. I randomly turned corners, walked down different streets, found a great book in a little library…eventually finding myself drawn by a colorful sign saying, “Community Church For Joy.”
Community Church for Joy. My, my, my.
Well, well, well, that certainly drew me.
The front door was propped open, so I walked up the steps and right on in. I somehow felt a kinship with the place. There was a sign on the main inside door saying that a class was in session, so I left without looking around for anyone to talk with, yet immediately Googled after I got home, and found the right person to contact, a woman named Rachel. http://www.dancewithjoystudios.com/about/rachel-lidskog/
Rachel is a dance instructor. My body has been calling for me to dance for months now. I’ve had “dance” written down on a sticky note on my calendar and keep moving it from week to week.
Rachel and I met today in person. She’s been looking for someone to bring music, maybe even a choir, to her community for months now.
Right now, I have no idea what will happen from today’s meeting. I simply know that something will. And that it will be fabulous.
If you don’t already have a Godwalk practice, you might want to start one. Today.
To Your Voice,
Working with Laura has been a huge blessing in my life. I have wanted to learn to sing for years now but always believed I didn’t have a good singing voice. After a couple lessons with Laura I heard sounds coming out of my mouth I couldn’t believe I was making! My skills and my confidence have improved. I’ve performed hip-hop live twice now and voice lessons have helped me with public speaking too. Highly recommended! -Lennon R.
Please spread the love and pass this along to a friend!
Lake Oswego’s Transformational Voice® Teacher (Transformational Voice® is a registered trademark of Transformational Voice® Training Institute, LLC, and Linda Brice.)