I'm still doing some research re: the birds who come to my deck, and the two of them who passed away there after letting me touch and hold them. More to come regarding the birds soon!
In the meantime, here are a couple of songs I heard on the radio recently and really liked. Both infectious tunes, snappy!
Rumour Has It, Adele
Somebody That I Used To Know, Gotye with Kimbra
And here are a couple of photos I took of the hummingbirds coming to the feeder on my back deck. I actually received an honorable mention in the Backyard Bird Shop photo contest for these hummer photos, and a $10 gift card! Which I used to buy sunflower chips for the tube bird feeder! The hummingbird nectar recipe is very simple. Two cups of water, boiled for a minute or two, stir in one half cup sugar. Let it cool before putting into the feeder - it lasts two weeks in the frig.
Enjoy your animal life and music until I write again. :)
Best Wishes, Laura
