Hello Dear Readers,
So, I've noticed my blog entries are all over the map. Everything from a happy birthday greeting to Erik Estrada to a photo of me in my kitchen wearing nothing but an apron and high-heeled red shoes, to a bunch of responses to the question "How are you?"
I can tell it's going to continue this way for a while. I've been writing newsletters since 2003 (www.wishweavers.com), but writing a blog is very different! Well, at least for me it is.
I have three different ideas for the next blog entry, and none of them are fully formed yet. And may not be for another week or two.
Which would you most like to hear about and perhaps comment on?
1) The bizarre experience with birds on my deck in the last two weeks...including two having died there, while two also let me pet and HOLD them! How weird is that? A wild song bird actually letting you hold him/her? This I will include photos of. But I still haven't figured out why they ended up on my deck, unable to fly much, just hop, in the first place. I have a call in to a bird specialist. I think they have been either Pine Siskins or a breed of Sparrow...
2) I recently read the book THE SHACK by William P. Young on loan from a co-worker. It's much more Christian-oriented than the inspirational/spiritual books I usually am drawn to, and I absolutely loved it! There is so much in these pages that completely sung to my soul. Some things in particular re: ways I have possibly judged myself, or others. I've always been a huge "Jesus fan" even though I don't subscribe to dogmatic religions of any kind (raised Presbyterian, by the way - and had a very good experience in the First Presbyterian Church in Raymond, South Dakota. Played piano and sang in church, taught Sunday School, etc.) 3) It appears, after getting some feedback from someone I had a joint prayer session with recently, that the prayers are working! I've always been a big believer in prayer, especially in conjunction with other people. As Jesus said, when two or more are gathered... Well, I've been feeling a calling to start a prayer circle...and I don't know what that will entail just yet. Anymore than I know what to write about THE SHACK or about this whole bizarre bird experience. Do you have a preference? Warm Regards and Best Wishes, Laura