It is my great pleasure to announce…
Wow, that is such a cliché. But it really, really is my great pleasure! I’m still having a hard time believing I even co-wrote a play, much less that we have a full cast and recording crew on board!
I suppose it will be second nature next time. If there is a next time. But for now, everything feels new, prickly alive, and just a little surreal.
More details will be coming soon, but for now, please allow me the GREAT pleasure of introducing you to our fierce and imaginative director, and talented cast!
Director: Meghan Daaboul
Larae: Stephanie Crowley
Joelle: Debbie Gerber
The Narrator: John Knowles
Ashley: Jurnee Neeko
Corina: Yolanda Porter
GoFundMe account for 2022 Portland Fertile Ground Festival’s production of Second Chances & New Beginnings: Thank you, donors!
Celebrating MANY VOICES: One World! Purchase How Abella Found her Voice for $4.95 here:
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Love Your Voice & Voice Your Love,