I’m feeling humbled by what Chris Jones of The Bow Knows Video Production & Voice-Over https://chrisjonesmedia.com/ had to say after our recent video interview.
So, I’m humbly sharing his words as posted on LinkedIn. I’ve learned it’s not just okay – it’s important – for all of us to own our genius. To embrace our ability to inspire others. To acknowledge that we know a thing or two that will help other people live their best lives and most fully express their authentic voices in the world. Chris’ words and the link to our 20-minute interview is below.
Right now, I’m thigh-deep in rehearsals for Chapel Theatre’s production of Shine Strong the Moon. I am so very grateful for my acting partner, Marychris, and director, Aiyana. In just six short pages of script, I’ve found Patty (while Doris from The Owl and the Pussycat comes close) to be the most challenging character I’ve played to date. We are recording the show live at Chapel Theatre (in a COVID-safe environment, of course) on Sunday!!! Wow!!!
Get your tickets here! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chapel-theatre-play-festival-tickets-138640648913
And now from Chris Jones: Personal fulfillment is something you and I, and everyone, strive for. My guest, Transformational Voice® Teacher, Masterminder, Singer, and Author, Laura Handke, from Lake Oswego, Oregon, knows how to achieve that. She gets into Transformational Voice teaching methods, and her Mastermind Process. This was a great interview. Laura is full of spirit, energy, and expert knowledge of her craft. We had fun, and many 'knowledge bombs' were dropped! Here's the Full Presentation! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxFXk-W6Qa8
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Love Your Voice & Voice Your Love,
Lake Oswego’s Transformational Voice® Teacher (Transformational Voice® is a registered trademark of Transformational Voice® Training Institute, LLC, and Linda Brice.)