Special Announcement: An Introduction to Authentic Expression I am seated before my laptop in a state of marvel this afternoon, as I reach for the words for this special announcement. I also have a fan going in my home office while the air conditioning is on, as the Willamette Valley is in the midst of an unprecedented heat wave. You know the saying, “This too shall pass.” That is true of the weather, and our times of triumph as well as our times of trouble. They all pass. Nothing is certain but change. So…I am riding the crest of this feeling as long as it lasts. Were I a surfer, this would be a big wave, I’d be balanced on top, and the Beach Boys would be harmonizing in my ear buds. I’ve been talking a lot about the thriving zone in the last six months. See the 4/13/15 blog entry for more details. (Did you know you can search by topic on my blog? I didn’t until a couple of weeks ago. Way cool!!!) To recap, the three zones of living are: Atrophy (sitting on the couch with a remote control), Breaking (pushing yourself too far,) and Thriving – always moving forward in your authentic purpose by engaging in activities that sing to your heart and may scare you a little. In my experience, living in the thriving zone – scary as it may be at times – means you learn faster, accomplish things with more ease and less stress, and find new creative avenues you may not have attracted, or noticed, previously. It becomes easier to shut out outside chatter and distractions and focus solely on the authentic purpose at hand…the thing that sings to your heart and longs to be expressed in the world RIGHT now. Surety and confidence take on new meanings. Yes, I’m prepared for the creative slump and wave of insecurity which will inevitably come. But that is whenever it occurs, if it does. This is NOW, and I’m writing to you in this moment. The truth is I’m blown away by what has transpired in the last six months. I knew I was on purpose when I left my claims job November of 2014 (Paul, if you’re reading this – thanks again for everything – you are featured by first name in my first Authentic Expression class!) Yet I had no idea how quickly my next ventures would come together. I certainly didn’t know that right now, the second day of July, 2015, I would be half way through my first Authentic Performance: Fundamentals of Acting class term. I’m blessed with an amazing group of students and the process has been remarkable for us all. I am growing by leaps and bounds and my heart is full to bursting by the feedback I’ve received from the students. Much more about that later… And…Now…I’m so freakin’ excited!... …The Authenticity idea I originally received in Barbara Stanny’s ( Sacred Success retreat in September, 2012, has become a five segment Authentic Expression video class series now available for you to purchase, download, and absorb in the privacy of your own home, at your own pace. You can find the whole she-bang with class titles and descriptions here: and you, my readers, are the first to hear about a special discount on the first class: Authentic Desires: An Integrated Approach for Identifying Your Most Authentic Aspirations. Through Friday, July 24th, this $24.50 class is HALF OFF - $12.25. In approximately 40 minutes (it’s up to you how much effort to put into the exercises after class – the more you put in, the more you’ll get out) you will :
Identify aspects of yourself which long to be expressed
Learn to create a self-supportive thought system in your mind
Develop the ability to listen to the innate wisdom in your body
Understand the “Three Zones of Living”: Learn the difference between being in the Thriving Zone, which keeps you moving forward, and being stuck in Atrophy and going too far into Breaking
Experience the best day in the life of your authentic self by completing the “Me Now” exercise
Decide which of your dreams, or desired changes, to bring into your life first Did I mention I’m super excited about this? Watch this free introduction, and I’ll bet you get super excited too! Special kudos to Lennon for all your help with lingo and the like. You’re my hero! Authentically Yours, Laura