Who Lives Here? The Friend and the Snob I once visited a friend in her brand-spanking-new, upscale condominium in Scottsdale, Arizona. She had been living in her new digs for several months and I hadn’t been back to the Phoenix area since I moved to Oregon 16 years previously, so I was super excited when she picked me up at Sky Harbor International Airport. When she ushered me through the front door, however, I was baffled. There were little pieces of blue tape all over the walls. I asked what they were for, and she explained those were all the places the painters had missed a spot and the paint needed to be re-touched. She hadn’t gotten around to calling them just yet. The condo was lovely, light, and airy. Yet it was filled with haphazardly arranged furniture and unpacked boxes stacked in the bedrooms. I swear to you I wanted to grab a can of paint and a brush myself while removing every single piece of blue tape from those lovely taupe walls. In other words, I was being a snob. Yet, please allow this snob to continue…I do have a valid point to make. This beautiful condominium didn’t reflect my friend’s spunky personality. It said to me she was exhausted and overwhelmed. That this investment was a place to lay by the pool, uncork a bottle of wine, and sleep before leaving early again the next morning. It’s not snobbish to make your home your sanctuary. A place you love, which reflects who you are deep inside, and makes you feel awesome. I am willing to bet the cost of a carwash (even the $22.50 deluxe kind) that if my friend had taken the time to call the painters and rid herself of those blue strips, she would have felt better. That may have propelled her to unpack at least one box. Perhaps she’d have found a bunch of stuff to sell or donate. Then perhaps unpacking the other 11 would have gone smoothly, especially after she found with all the boxes out of the second bedroom, she suddenly had more room for the daybed, floor lamp and side chair. You don’t have to be OCD like me upon moving – staying up past midnight for a week until everything is unpacked, cleaned and organized. That might not work for you. But I assure you making your home your own will. What do you most love about your home? I’d love to hear on the blog. Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts. –Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. www.brainyquote.com. If you found this post helpful, please share it with your friends! Authentically Yours, Laura
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