When You’re Feeling Down A woman in my former master-mind group, Success Weavers Circle, was once feeling very low and going through a rough time. (And she’s one of the most brilliant, creative, and gifted people I know, clearly well on her path to becoming a highly successful and needed grief counselor.) Rather than using her time in that particular meeting for brain-storming, ideas and suggestions, Natalia asked that we all simply tell her what we appreciate most about her. So, for 10 solid minutes she was able to hear all the qualities and characteristics we see and admire in her, that she wasn’t able to recognize in herself at that moment. She was tender and in tears at the end of the 10 minutes (we all were), and she also felt a whole heck of a lot better! It was a lovely experience, one I’ll remember myself the next time I’m struggling, as I was for three solid weeks mid-summer. What are three wonderful things you can say about yourself right now? Let us know on the blog. If you can’t come up with any right now, say three wonderful things about a friend. Remember something. Qualities we most admire in our friends and colleagues, we possess ourselves. Otherwise, we wouldn’t recognize them in others. If peaceful conflict resolution is in your wheelhouse, come to the Oregon Mediation Associations’ 31st Annual Conference November 3rd & 4th in Portland, where I will be presenting HONE Your Message. One example of feedback from HONE Your Message, Toastmasters for Speaking Professionals, October 17th: Laura has a wonderful sense of the value of voice control and communicating well, and shares it with enthusiasm and fun. Her exercises are so helpful, with an emphasis on how to improve our voices to become more effective. -The Sassy Sage, Joan Lubar If you found this post helpful, please spread the love and pass it along to a friend! Authentically Yours, Laura
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