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Simply Authentic...your soul voice is calling. What If You Were A Hermit In The Woods?

Writer's picture: Kimberly GenlyKimberly Genly

What If You Were A Hermit In The Woods?

So many of us have daily pressures involving time, other people, commitments and obligations that we can barely hear ourselves think, let alone take the time to feel what is going on in our bodies.

Obviously, the reason I am writing this post is I have experienced this! Sometimes around the holiday season when things are hectic, when I have a stressful day at the office, I’m having a difficult conversation with someone I love, the to-do list has gotten too long, and especially when all of those things happen at once! So, I decided to create a fun exercise called “What If You Were A Hermit In The Woods?”

Imagine you wake up tomorrow morning somewhere secluded in nature…with no obligations, no people in your life, no job or business, no need for income, and the ability to create exactly what you want, when you want it. Sounds impossible? Of course, that’s the point! The deal is, you can simply nod your head, wrinkle your nose, rub a genie lamp if that’s what you want to do…and there before you are the ideas, tasks, things, beings, to lead you to your most authentic self and most fully engaged, enriched and loving life. I will give you an idea of what my Hermit exercise looks like in the beginning, to get you started. J My place happens to be a small cabin made of wood with stone in the front, including on the front porch. It is both sunny outside and there is a fireplace inside, wherein I have a Duraflame log burning so I don’t have to deal with flint and kindling. It’s not cold outside, but I like the flames. Several candles are burning, but only one of them is scented – and that is with lavender. I make myself a cup of tea. English breakfast. I step out onto the stone porch, wrapped in an afghan I have knitted myself. (Now that is a stretch! The last time I knitted, a scarf turned into a cat blanket, and I got a C on that Home Ec assignment in high school! Andy the cat loved the cat blanket in his basket, though.) I suddenly know how to play the guitar (along with the instruments I already play) and knowledge of how to play three Eagles songs comes to me. I sing and play, with the furry kids close to me. I set down my cup of tea, blow out the candles, and walk along the river with my hand-crafted journal in hand. I find a nice rock to sit on, while I completely absorb the natural beauty around me, in all directions. I close my eyes, and… And that is where the beginning of my Hermit exercise ends, and yours begins. Have fun with this exercise. Go through an entire day if you can. Once you know more from a feeling place what might be lacking in your life, or where you might like to remove some things, you can start to create some changes, a little at a time... It is very empowering! Authentically Yours, Laura

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