Unleashing the Inner Artist
A few months ago I read a letter to the editor in O Magazine I wish I would have saved. It said something like “When will people realize that artists…from the buildings we work in to the restaurants we dine at…create the world in which we live?” It was a well written (an artfully written) letter and I can’t quote the writer here because I don’t know who it was.
I say everyone has an inner artist. Every person on this planet. That is a whole heckuva lot of people.
With everyone born human, a poet—an artist—is born, who dies young and who is survived by an adult. –Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve
I got that quote (kinda depressing, huh?) from Julia Cameron’s THE VEIN OF GOLD, which was gifted to me by a colleague several years ago. I started reading it then, and set it aside about a third of the way through. Yesterday, the thought came to me three different times in one day that I needed to pull it out again. So I did. (I went through the entire 12 week process in Cameron’s THE ARTIST’S WAY when I was writing my book proposal in 2003.)
Creating something with our hands, our bodies, takes us out of a busy mental place and into a more heart-based place of allowing inspiration, expansion and expression.
For example, I have a cousin who repairs and does restoration on motorcycles for a living. Don’t tell me that’s not artistry. A recent Facebook post also showed his creation of a coffee table made with leg rests, wood from an old stereo, a bolt crate, and newspaper clippings from 1915, 1916. It is coated with casting resin. It is interesting, wonderful, beautiful (I would love it in my home) and artistic. I don’t know if my cousin would call himself an artist, but I certainly do.
I have dabbled in a number of artistic pursuits over the years, as they always come calling and will not be ignored. Right now, I sing, play the keyboard, sketch from time to time, make collages, and have this artistic writing habit that seems to keep getting bigger and bigger. J

There are things inside each soulful heart which long to be expressed in an artistic manner.
What are yours? Listen…and create. Authentically Yours, Laura