Try On Some New Hair
I’m in a theatrical production for the first time in 7 years, and I am having a blast! My small part as Mrs. Clark in Lakewood Theatre’s production of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever has brought new energetic life blood to my veins, and not just because of the exceptional director, house manager, cast and crew.
It is so easy to get stuck in a rut and keep doing the same things over and over out of habit. I am as prone to this as anyone – always buying the same brand of laundry detergent, walking the same route, singing the same songs in the shower.
Isn’t it interesting, however, when the store you always go to, on your regular grocery shopping day, happens to be…gasp!...out of your favorite brand of laundry soap or toothpaste…? You have to actually look at other options, and might find one you like even better!
I have to style my hair like a 1950’s “church lady” mother for this role, and my first attempt wasn’t pretty. First dress rehearsal, I walked into the theatre and about fell off stage when I saw the lead actress’ hair. It looked like something straight out of an I Love Lucy episode; I experienced both envy (her hair looked so much more 50’s and pretty than mine) and dread (how long is it going to take me to do something like that?) The answer…a long time; hot rollers in the hair for an hour, a bunch of teasing, products, curling iron, multiple clips, bobby pins, combs and fastidious manipulation. (If I’d been a fashion-conscious woman in that era, surely I’d have chopped my hair and invested in a good wig.)
Yet before the second dress rehearsal, I started to get it. And it only took me 20 minutes with a different comb, curling iron, hair band, barrette, and enough hair spray to freeze and shine your feet to the floor. I “put on” my hair, my simple costume (mostly things I already had on hand, except for the pheasant feather hat), and I feel like Mrs. Clark, not Laura Handke. Putting on a costume transports you to a different plane. This is why brides take great care with their wedding gowns and children love dressing up as princesses and pirates.
This is what makes life interesting. Not necessarily becoming a character for a show, unless performing is in your heart, but always asking yourself “What do I want to try on next? Where do I want to go from here? How can I most fully express myself in the world?” Do Something Creative or Differently Get those left and right brain sides working together! My client, friend, and colleague, Lucy, recommends writing with both your dominant and non-dominant hands, trading off, when checking in about where to go with your dreams. If you’re right-handed, writing with the left hand as well (even though the script may be more difficult to read!) kicks the other side of your brain into action, so the two can work together. Dry off after showering or bathing in a different way in the morning. If you usually towel your hair first, dry your feet first this time. Your back tomorrow. As I’m writing this section, I’m sitting at a table on the sidewalk with a notebook and pen in front of a coffee house, while I usually write on the computer in my inspiration room and home office. Take a different route to a regular destination. Pay attention to what you see on the different route. Your sixth degree could be found simply because you decided to take Red Leaf Avenue to the grocery store instead of Main Street. –Laura Handke, Six Degrees to Your Dreams If you’ve always wanted to take an acting class, would like to improve your acting, speaking or communication skills, or simply become more emotionally present…register for Authentic Performance starting the second week of January! It’s a great investment in yourself. Toastmasters get a 10% discount. What people are saying: “I highly recommend any class Laura Handke teaches. She not only helps you become a better performer on stage, she has a special way of helping you identify and express your actual authentic emotions.” –Glen A. “This class far exceeded my expectations. I was apprehensive going in and was left wanting more and more upon completion. The experience was extraordinary!” -Kimberly W. “I got more than I expected from this class. Thank you for your encouragement.” –Jesse M. “In case I haven’t mentioned enough, I LOVE class. It has been so fun and fabulous to jump out of comfort zones and join in the playground. Thank you for all you do!” –Megan G. “Laura is an amazing & gifted teacher. She balanced our time with clear & specific instruction, sprinkled with her incredible intuition and the result was pure magic.” -Robyn K. “This class far exceeded my expectations. I now feel like a looser and more authentic speaker. I appreciated the safe, nurturing environment to grow, take risks and learn acting.” –Bob B. Authentically Yours, Laura