The Power of the Written Word Do you know what you want? Really, truly know? What are your most desired characteristics and necessary qualities in a job, partner, kitchen cabinet materials…dentist? If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent much of your simply choosing what appeared to be most suitable amongst the seemingly available options…hmm, the one-bedroom with a pool, or the two bedroom with built-in laundry? The brunette with a Corvette, or the blonde with a Harley? (Okay, I’m over-exaggerating a bit over the top too much with that last one.) I shared a story of mine last week – how I decided on the right pair of sandals and they showed up 27 hours later as a gift – and also one of Tosha Silver’s regarding a big truck and some lattice-work. Did you take any of that seriously? If not, consider this. I was in a bad way back in 2010. I’d quit a job I hated to save the Transformational Voice® training I loved. (Fortunately I had asked for a sign from God and received one half a block later, and that made all the difference.) My physical health was pretty good, but mentally, emotionally and financially…I was spiraling down a proverbial toilet. During that difficult period, I relied even more heavily on something called a “God Can” (If I can’t, God can) which I still have and use to this day. That particular can had a tin lid with a slot, like a coin bank. Anything I worried about, but couldn’t fix, I wrote down on paper and put it in the God Can. Anything I wanted. Anything I was scared about. What I was especially grateful for, or wanted help with. I donated or sold most of my belongings during that period, but not the God Can. When the winds of providence danced in my direction and I did land a new job, one that accommodated the voice training and gave me a higher salary, and a new apartment to move into… I took great care unpacking the few belongings I still had with me. I carefully set up my bed, dresser, and bookshelf. And unpacked the God Can. It was so full I removed the top so I clear it out and start to re-use it. Writing you now, I wish my rabid de-cluttering self had saved one particular piece of paper. A year or two previously, I had written a list of 26, 28 qualities and characteristics I wanted to have in my home and work life. I wanted scads of natural sunlight in my home. High ceilings. To have a garden again, and a nice kitchen to cook in. A cat-comfortable home. To work in a vibrant company atmosphere where I would be welcomed and my gifts appreciated, in a supportive team environment, with a starting salary of $65,000 or more. Those were just a few of the items I’d listed. When I pulled that list out and started to read it, I sat down on the end of my bed and bawled. Every single thing I’d requested had come to fruition. Right down to the $65,000 salary, which increased with each year I spent at that company. But money isn’t really the point here, is it? The point is to know what you want, open yourself up to the realization of how powerful you are, and how you can best be of service. Then write it down, ask for it, and release your request to the higher powers. If you knew you had the power, right now, to fully be of service in your power, perhaps to help our world create a new paradigm, what would you desire? Write it down for your own God Can and for us on the blog! If you found this post helpful, please share it with your friends! Authentically Yours, Laura Ready for a change? A fresh start to create a life of your own design? Need help with your first steps? Momentum is on! for the first Authentic Expression Wishweavers Circle series beginning in September. This fall only, the circle is being offered on a donation "pay what you can" basis. So if you're interested, or have a friend who may be, contact me right away. We still have a few intake interview slots available. You don’t need to be local - the series is telephone and web-based. Gain clarity and compassionate community in the Authentic Expression Wishweavers Circle. This 10-week circle of sisters/Wishweavers will help you:
Identify your first desired change to have a big, positive impact on your life, so you gain confidence in the change process and can continue the momentum ongoing
Learn how to operate in The Thriving Zone, which will keep you moving forward after the series is completed
Gain a safe community of seekers who want more out of life and will celebrate successes with you so you experience more joy and learn to focus on what’s going right
Learn, from a certified Transformational Voice® Teacher, how to speak in your authentic voice, in a rich, resonant tone, so you will be heard and understood And that’s just for starters! E-mail or call or text 503.409.0421 to sign up for a qualification screening. For a limited time, this transformational course, a $1200 value, is being offered on a donation-only basis for those who will be a perfect fit for the Authentic Expression Wishweavers Circle. I’m excited to help you find the courage to dream again! Find Your Voice * Find Yourself