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Simply Authentic...your soul voice is calling. Synchronicity: Archetypes & Collage

Writer's picture: Kimberly GenlyKimberly Genly

Acknowledging Synchronicity: Archetypes & Collage Several years ago I read or heard something about archetypes, and was struck by a strong feeling that I had started reading a book by someone, at some point, that had something to do with archetypes, but I couldn’t remember the book or the author. About the same time, I had purchased Seena B. Frost’s SOULCOLLAGE book, prior to hosting a Wishweavers workshop dedicated to collage work. The forgotten book about archetypes literally, serendipitously, fell out of my bookshelf one day. I am telling you…I don’t remember even touching that particular shelf, or the bookshelf at all…but as soon as I saw the cover, I knew that was the book I had been trying to remember. Caroline Myss’ SACRED CONTRACTS. What is an archetype? I will quote Caroline here. “Carl Jung believed that archetypes live in a collective unconscious through which all souls are connected. The collective unconscious holds the energy of all who have participated in an archetype through the ages—the stories, myths, legends and prototypes.” That doesn’t sound very specific now, does it? says an archetype is 1) the original pattern or modelfrom which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype. 2) (in Jungian psychology) a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches. I can’t say that sounds any more specific! I’ll let you come up with your own definition or conclusions, if the idea of archetypes interests you at all. It did for me, that particular day, so I picked up the book again and slowly read it over the following weeks, highlighting certain sections and doing certain exercises. And, then, I realized I could create collage cards representing my different archetypes. What a concept! Here they are: Source Card

Victim Card

Hermit Card

Addict Card

Nature Child Card

Visionary Card

Queen Card

I’m not saying you need to explore your archetypes or create collages to honor your authenticity. I’m just saying it worked for me at that time, in exploring all the layers to this complex, basically fun, authentic-as-I-can-be-in-any-given-moment, person that I am and am constantly becoming. Authentically Yours, Laura

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