Sacred Home Care
Okay, so I’m a little anal (retentive that is) about having a clean home. Not like white glove perfection. Tidy might be a good word. Trust me, there is plenty of dust in places I don’t usually look, and every once in a while I move a piece of furniture and go…really…? Where was I when that spider built a web, a fly got caught in it and everyone died - above a good quarter inch of some unidentified fuzz - without my knowledge? This kind of thing happens.
Nonetheless, I clean every Thursday evening whether my home needs cleaning or not. Some Thursdays involve more in-depth cleaning than others, like if dinner or overnight guests are coming (like they care, but I do). If someone wants to get together on a Thursday evening, I’ll move cleaning to Wednesday or whenever. Hey, I just said I’m a little anal (a term we used to use, which is probably more appropriately OCD now), not a lot.
Over the years, I’ve realized that being a little anal or OCD about your home environment isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Our homes respond to the care we give them, and the energetic feeling we experience is palpable. This may be why home redecoration and de-cluttering shows are so popular. Just walking into a cared for room feels sooooo good. J
I pay attention when I dust, vacuum, lint brush off the cat hair on the pillows, rinse out the bathtub and sink. I listen to what my home environment is telling me.
I don’t call it house cleaning anymore. I call it sacred home care.
Authentically Yours,
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