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Simply Authentic...Your Soul Voice is Calling. My Dream Come True

Writer's picture: Kimberly GenlyKimberly Genly

My Dream Come True Jim Carrey’s story and reminders from Mary Morrissey’s DreamBuilder Live program have helped me visualize even more clearly myself, daily – even if just in the shower! Yet let’s get back to that pesky part about belief in ourselves, as that is a huge issue for so many of us. Our thoughts continuously tell us we’re not good enough, that we can’t accomplish something for X, Y and Z reasons, that this dream or goal is out of our reach. Those thoughts directly impact how we feel, which affects our actions, which determine our results. It is said we teach what we need to learn. Here’s a perfect example from my own teaching. Or is that my own learning? The transformational principles I write about are not new to me…I’ve been studying and teaching how to wish-weave your authentic dreams and goals for over 15 years. And I didn’t come up with any of this stuff – this is ancient knowledge shared by the world’s philosophical teachers and spiritual leaders as far back as any library goes. I just happen to have a certain way I’ve learned and implemented them, which informed my personal paradigm. That’s it. Going to Mullholland Drive to visualize worked for Jim Carrey. Godwalks work for me. Mary Morrissey ( ) shares examples from many people who’ve realized dreams through her DreamBuilder process. Here is one recent personal example I hope you can learn from and be inspired by. New Renaissance Bookshop in Northwest Portland has long been a favorite destination of mine, and somewhere I wanted to teach. But for years I didn’t feel “worthy” of approaching them. I went to see readers there myself, spent hours browsing, and purchased many books and gifts in the store. Yet inquiring about leading a class there wasn’t in my reality, because of my thought process. After developing and refining my content for the Authentic Expression Wishweavers Circle earlier this year, working with my personal Success Weavers Circle mastermind group, and purposefully developing belief in myself, I sent a proposal to New Renaissance in July. I felt powerful and engaged while I wrote the proposal and confident and excited when I sent it. It took about three months before I heard back. Now I’m teaching my first class at New Ren December 10th. If you’re local, I’d love for you to come. But this “success” story isn’t truly the point of this post. As I was taking a Godwalk, expressing gratitude for the opportunity, envisioning the class I will be facilitating, a memory surfaced. I remembered the time – around a decade ago – I spoke at the Mind Body Spirit Expo at the Portland Convention Center. This was shortly after I’d published Six Degrees to Your Dreams and was operating my Wishweavers business. When the expo catalog came out, my name was one of seven featured speakers listed on the cover, right above one of Portland’s most prominent and respected astrologers. My colleague, Lucy, exclaimed, “Laura, your name is on the front cover!!”

It didn’t really register for me at the time. See…my spirit knew back then I was ready for large and expansive opportunities. And so did the publishers of the expo catalog. It took a while for my human self to catch up. Nurture your human self while it’s waiting to catch up with your eternal spirit, okay? The merging of the two is your authentic self. If you found this post helpful, please share it with your friends! Authentically Yours, Laura A great holiday gift idea: 30% off Comfort Food from the Heartland cookbook now through Christmas. Just $15.99, including shipping! $1 from every sale benefits Salem Friends of the Felines. Join me at New Renaissance Bookshop December 10th, 11-1:00 for my class: Authentic Expression: When It’s Time for a Change. Just $20 per person for a transformational event which will take you from a day in the life of your fully expressed authentic self to walking out with steps to take, and people to connect with, in service to your highest authentic expression and potential. Call the store to register: 503-224-4929.

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