May the Force Be With You I’m super excited for The Force Awakens to open in theaters December 18th. I don’t qualify as a died in the wool Star Wars fan like some, but I do count the original trilogy (A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi) among my all-time favorite movies. A New Hope is the only movie I have ever gone to see in the theater more than once – I saw it twice. (I point you back to “Stormtroopers in the Office,” a 2014 post, for a good chuckle: I typically stick in a classic movie to watch when I hula-hoop for extra exercise, and in this manner recently re-watched all three films. Watching The Empire Strikes Back again reminded me of how much I love Yoda. His child-like and wise energy reminds me of what people I know who’ve met the Dalai Lama say about him. It also caused me to pull out a Wishweavers newsletter I first published in October of 2010. Here’s some meaningful dialog, paraphrased somewhat, from the movie: Luke: What’s in there? Yoda: Only what you take with you. That’s when Luke insists on taking his weapon, the lightsaber, with him, to meet Darth Vader and slice off his head, only to find his own face inside the mask once it settles on the ground. Then there’s the scene where Luke is working on bringing the X-wing fighter out of the swamp. Luke: We’ll never get it out now. Yoda: So certain are you. Always with you what cannot be done. Luke: I’ll try. Yoda: No. Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try. (*Remember this line!!!*) Luke: Moving stones around is one thing. This is totally different. Yoda: No. Not different. Only different in your mind. You must unlearn what you have learned.
When I wrote that newsletter in 2010, I had just started a new, great job, and had moved into a lovely condo-style apartment where I lived happily for three and a half years. Here is a portion of what I wrote then: After my dear gal-pal sent me an e-mail yesterday, mentioning how my life seems to have done a 360 in just a few short months, I pulled out the calendar. My first day of unemployment (or shall we say being job-free?) was 4/17. I heard word my new position had been approved and I’d be getting a formal job offer the morning of my birthday, 8/18. Happy birthday to me! That’s almost exactly four months, or 123 days, which is not a lot of time – in the big scheme of things – for your entire life to turn around. My experience is a living testament that anything is possible when you decide what you want, follow your heart, and leave the details up to God. A few tools I highly recommend in the manifestation process: collage/vision board, Godwalks (with feeling, feeling like you to want to feel when you’re in the environment you want to be in), guided journaling, and paying very close attention to synchronicities, then following up on them. Worked for me, I’m telling ya!! In four months! Of course, I’ve been using most of these tools for years, but this time I really needed them!! I know in my heart I needed to go through that period so I could become a more effective teacher (both with Wishweavers and as a voice teacher) and writer. I was only "in the trenches", so to speak, for that short time period, and it taught me trust and faith. Now “worry” is like a thing of the past. I don't use the word. Any time I feel a niggling of concern, something that doesn't feel quite right, it only lasts for a moment before I say to myself, “Oh, good…I noticed that. Now God can show me what to do.” And let it go. This is truly an enormous blessing, and I'm very aware of the gift I was given. Many gifts, so many gifts, both during that time frame and since. I will never be unaware or ungrateful again. (Knocking on wood, lest I ever forget!) And I will be a better teacher and writer as a result of those 123 days. The job that landed in my lap then transpired from a direct (within about 15 seconds) answer to a prayer, a request for a sign. For those of you who haven’t heard the story, I tell it in this free presentation: The end of the year and into January is a great time to look at what kind of changes you might want to make in your life, and set an intention to conscientiously open your field of awareness and make steps towards your dreams, those desired changes. You probably won’t have to quit your job, like I did! I was forced to make a choice. In retrospect, had I not honored my heart and soul over my apparent need for a paycheck, I can’t (don’t want to) imagine what my life would be like today. But I’ll bet anything I would eventually have gotten fired anyway – I was miserable in that job. And when the next one transpired 123 days later, my starting salary was $13,500 more annually. In the interim, I had a roof over my head, food to eat, and a car to drive. Yes, these things happen when you honor yourself and your dreams. I will share of more of my experience during this period in a future post. For now, I simply encourage you to take stock of your life – be honest with yourself about what you want to keep in your life, and what you want to change. The “Me Now” exercise – available for free on the Products & Services page, is a valuable tool to help you get started. Write down those dreams, those desired changes – get serious about them. And take regular Godwalks (details here: for intuitive inspiration and guidance. And…if you’ve always wanted to take an acting class, would like to improve your speaking and communication skills, or simply become more emotionally present…register for Authentic Performance starting the second week of January! It’s a great investment in yourself. Toastmasters get a 10% discount. “This class far exceeded my expectations. I was apprehensive going in and was left wanting more and more upon completion. The experience was extraordinary!” -Kimberly W. “I got more than I expected from this class. Thank you for your encouragement.” –Jesse M. “In case I haven’t mentioned enough, I LOVE class. It has been so fun and fabulous to jump out of comfort zones and join in the playground. Thank you for all you do!” –Megan G. “Laura is an amazing & gifted teacher. She balanced our time with clear & specific instruction, sprinkled with her incredible intuition and the result was pure magic.” -Robyn K. “This class far exceeded my expectations. I now feel like a looser and more authentic speaker. I appreciated the safe, nurturing environment to grow, take risks and learn acting.” –Bob B. May the force be with you. Authentically Yours, Laura