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Simply Authentic...Your Soul Voice is Calling. How Did You Vote?

Writer's picture: Kimberly GenlyKimberly Genly

How Did You Vote? Now that the insanity of this particular presidential election is over (now we only have post-election insanity, thank heavens!) I want to ask a question about your voting habits. No, I don’t want to know who you voted for – although I certainly hope you exercised the privilege we have here in the United States (hard-won by many throughout history) of the right to vote. Rather, I want to share a story from my childhood. It was a November morning when I was in the third grade, the day after the election. I went to a very small school in Raymond, SD, through the fourth grade. The classrooms each held two different grades. So, first and second grades shared a room, third and fourth, fifth and sixth. As an eight-year-old, I hadn’t put much thought into politics, although I must have surmised how my parents voted, even at that young age, based on their reactions to the television and radio news and what I heard around the dinner table. Yet for some reason, this memory sticks out vividly for me. A male fourth-grade student (a cousin of mine, now that I think about it) came into class gleefully sing-songing, “We have a republican president; we have a republican president!” Another fourth-grader, female, responded defensively, “Yeah, but the congress is mostly democrat; we have a democrat congress!” How I knew this so clearly at the age of eight, I can’t say…I simply knew these children were parroting what they heard from their parents and were absorbing their parents’ opinions rather than forming their own. If even a tiny part of you wonders why you’re making the decisions you’re making – it might be time to do a radical check-in with your inner authority, your Authentic Voice/Intuitive Nature or IVIN. No, I won’t ask who you voted for in this election. That’s none of my business.  I will ask, however, that every time you cast a vote, or form an opinion about something, you make sure it’s authentically yours. Listen foremost to what resonates in your heart of hearts, not what your family, religion, community, or the media is trying to make you believe. Make sure your beliefs are your own. If you found this post helpful, please share it with your friends! Authentically Yours, Laura A great holiday gift idea: 30% off Comfort Food from the Heartland cookbook now through Christmas. Just $15.99, including shipping! $1 from every sale benefits Salem Friends of the Felines. Join me at New Renaissance Bookshop December 10th, 11-1:00 for my class: Authentic Expression: When It’s Time for a Change. Just $20 per person for a transformational event which will take you from a day in the life of your fully expressed authentic self to walking out with steps to take, and people to connect with, in service to your highest authentic expression and potential. Call the store to register: 503-224-4929.

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