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Simply Authentic...Your Soul Voice is Calling. Hold the Vision

Writer's picture: Kimberly GenlyKimberly Genly

Hold the Vision Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Eat Pray Love is one of my favorites, and I can’t count the number of times I’ve watched the movie – it’s one of the standbys I put in whenever I want to hula hoop and get some extra exercise. Early on is a scene wherein Liz (played by Julia Roberts) attends, with her soon-to-be-ex-husband (Billy Crudup), a party hosted by her friend, Delia (Viola Davis), a new mother. (Yes, amazing cast!!) Delia shares, slightly embarrassed, she had been keeping a box under the bed for baby things and slowly filling it with blankets, clothing and the like until her husband was ready to be a father. Liz replies she’d always had a similar box, but filled with travel magazines and brochures for all the places in the world she wants to visit. Delia’s response? “Having a baby is like getting a tattoo on your face. You kind of want to be committed.” Now, I do not recommend hanging onto things you don’t use. I regularly de-clutter and, as a rule, (although admittedly I could probably unload at least two shelves worth of books) don’t keep items in my home unless I find them either beautiful or useful. It’s just good common sense, and clears up space and energy to release the past and bring in the new. However…I also find setting a clear, physical intention (like a box for baby things, or your future travel destinations) to be helpful. I’ve made many collages over the years to represent what I want to draw into my life. In nearly every case, I can look back and see how what I wanted to materialize or was actively working on at the time came to pass. Years ago I made a list of around 28 elements extremely important to me in my work life and home environment (things not physically present in either at the time), said a prayer, and tucked the list into my God Can. Months later, while clearing out the can, I pulled the paper out and read the list. Then promptly sat down on the edge of my bed and started to bawl. Every single element had materialized. The gratitude I felt was almost overwhelming. My life is pretty amazing right now. I may not be wealthy or famous…yet, I certainly have nothing to complain about and wake up feeling grateful every day. All the same, my inner authentic nature is always urging me forward…most recently when George and I were driving in the Wilsonville area en route to a hiking destination. I was flabbergasted by the homes on acreages, with horses, and a view of Mt. Hood, we saw. Right then my soul said to me it was time to start thinking about getting out of town and into a more country area again. So, guess where I have begun to hold the vision now? Yep…a home in the country, but close to the city. I invite pieces of the vision to come to me on my Godwalk, and so far have a general idea of what the exterior might look like…and the kitchen! My next kitchen wants to be white, gray and yellow…with a splash of red to include some of the appliances and rugs and towels we currently have. I’ve collected precisely two things so far to hold this vision. A photo of a house I frequently walk by that is white with gray shutters and a yellow door. (Their exterior is painted very close to the colors in my next kitchen.) And when my friend Natalie (with a napkin and table cloth making business) called to ask what colors I might like my set of free cloth napkins to be…I said yellow and gray. And they are beautiful! What vision wants you to hold it next? And how will you begin? I can’t wait to hear! Authentically Yours, Laura

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