Gina’s Creativity Tips With all the writing I’ve done lately re: creativity and poetry, I decided to check in with someone who actually is a poet, Gina Williams, for her creativity tips. Here’s what Gina had to say. ************ First, creativity is often thought of as the "extra" part of life – the fun or frivolous part. But for me, having creative outlets is a necessity. I cannot suppress that part of my brain. It's just not possible. People who have trouble finding their creative energy or flow sometimes need to think about the process just as they think about healthy eating or fitness. It's not "extra" or wasteful. It's very important to having a healthy, vibrant mind. Second, it's important to realize that when one creative form isn't flowing, such as writing, embracing another form and finding a groove through drawing or music can unlock that pesky block. When I'm doing some hand quilting or painting or editing photographs, words and ideas form like magic. Then I can go back to writing without feeling frustrated. If I'm not feeling particularly inspired to paint or stitch, I'll turn to writing. The same thing seems to happen with exercise. A daily walk, run, bike ride, or swim relaxes my mind. Often, I'll return home from a walk or run and the words and ideas just tumble out, the story or poem or design for a new art project having developed completely in my mind while my body was in motion. My husband Brad Garber is a poet, painter & musician. He works in much the same way. If poetry just isn't flowing, he'll spend his spare time painting or drawing instead. We watch very little television and spend a lot of time sharing ideas in the evenings with music in the background. We mainly cook at home and find that meal preparation and the creativity of preparing adventurous meals together also helps draw out other forms of creativity. Another creativity spark trick I've learned for myself is that I'm a very visual person, even with writing. I see words and language has color and texture, even smell in my mind. So I look for visual prompts throughout the day and tap into online resources like Pinterest and Google Images, Flickr, Instagram, etc. to find new ideas that work with the way I think – in pictures. How do you process information? Take some time to understand that about yourself and use it to help create a creative environment in which you can thrive. Finally, I look for idea prompts in the "found language." I keep a notebook with me at all times and write down beautiful words, sentences, street names & signs, conversations overheard on the bus, and plot lines that speak to me. I also tap into song titles and lyrics for story ideas and my own titles. For example, I love bluegrass and Old Crow Medicine Show is one of my favorite groups. I saw a writing challenge to create a story in exactly 100 words. No more, no less. The song that spoke to me for this was "The Warden" by Old Crow. Take a listen here: This is the resulting story: Is He A Prisoner Too? The jailhouse floor shuddered every time the steam engine rumbled through town, the tracks being just steps away. Tonight the racket woke Mona Rose and she left her cot and stood shivering in a blue shaft of moonlight that arced from the window above, across the cold concrete floor and wrapped around her cell bars like fists. She could see the warden across the hall at his wooden desk, slumped there, asleep. One of his legs twitched like an old hound dreaming on the porch. She wondered if Warden was dreaming dog dreams, too. Chasing dreams, fighting dreams. Her dreams. I recently purchased a wonderful book of poetry prompts by Tiferet Journal: 30 Poems in 30 Days, Writing Prompts & Poems from Tiferet Journal. I'd recommend it for seasoned writers and those just getting started. Just like getting into physical shape, success in any endeavor involves creating a long-term practice that becomes part of daily life. Following a guide like this makes it easy and fun to do a little each day – with an amazing result: Thirty new poems in a month! Again, creativity is all around us. Be open to it and it will open itself to you. Learn more about me and my work at & follow myself & my husband on Twitter at @ginamwilliams & @bradggarber. ************ I’m happy to know Gina and Brad, and have enjoyed introducing them to you here. Let me know what you learn as you open to your creativity! Authentically Yours, Laura
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