Get Out of the Rut: Make a Play Date
Everything felt old and stale. I wasn’t having enough fun. I’m overdue for a vacation. I decided I needed a play date, what Julia Cameron would call an artist’s date.
That Friday in March, I took the whole afternoon off and drove to Banks, Oregon. Banks is a small town, population 1780 something, within 30 miles of metropolitan Portland, and I’d never been there. I parked my car on Main Street and walked around for about an hour.
It must have worked, because this week is a big one for Lake Oswego’s Transformational Voice® Teacher! (Transformational Voice® is a registered trademark of Transformational Voice® Training Institute, LLC, and Linda Brice.)
Sunday, I had my first in-home private voice class in Boring, Oregon, which isn’t boring at all! The host home is in farm-land heaven, surrounded by blooming trees, flowing fields and horses. What a blast! We squeezed a lot into those two hours.
I loved the energy & professionalism, not intimidating at all. The class gave me awesome tips and ideas; I should have taken notes! I am interested in more classes and would definitely recommend it. -Jane R.
Yes, I do in-home voice classes! E-mail for your complimentary 15-minute consultation if you’re interested in hosting one.
Tuesday, I was interviewed by Paula Vail, host of Why am I so Happy on BBS internet radio and will be featured in her podcast later this month. Paula and I had so much fun together; she’s a great host and I fell a little in love with her that day, even though we’d only met through social media before.
Wednesday afternoon, one of my private vocal students had made so much progress in her first four lessons, we moved to more singing and she started to embrace again her lovely lyric soprano voice. She sounded fantastic! That evening, my colleague, Katie Ramseur and I gave a SPEAK UP! Authentic Communication workshop for Portland’s Dress for Success chapter. We came away from this engaged and participatory audience with a new appreciation for Dress for Success, and how this amazing non-profit organization is accomplishing their purpose, right here in Portland.
This class gave me many tools, and taught me about the different aspects of breath, onsets, resonance and pitch. I am interested in a more advanced, and longer, workshop. Thank you so much! -Melanii L.
Thank you so much for coming to speak at our meeting last night. The women really enjoyed your presentation – Kim and I have received nothing but rave reviews! If there is any chance you are able to come back and present again this month at another meeting, we’d love to have you. -Joanie S.
This Friday morning, Katie and I are heading to an alternative high school in St. Helens to present our first workshop for high school students there. We are committed to helping women and young people express their true, authentic voices in the world, with confidence and power. Yes! We are available for your school or organization! E-mail for your complimentary 15-minute consultation.
Now, let’s get back to my play date. If it can help me this much, think how much you might benefit from the same!
Here are a few glimpses of what I found in Banks that charming Friday afternoon. Inspiration…
Take a hard look at your spontaneity. Can you open up to something new or do you rigidly hang on to your accustomed behavior?...The rigid never grow. They tend to do things the same way they’ve always done them. A colleague of mine who teaches graduate courses for teachers frequently asks the old-timers, who have spent thirty years or more in the classroom, “Have you really been teaching for thirty years or have you been teaching one year, thirty times?” And you, dear reader, have you really lived 10,000 or more days or have you lived one day, 10,000 or more times? A good question to ask yourself as you work toward more spontaneity in your life. –Dr. Wayne Dyer, Your Erroneous Zones I first met Laura a few years ago at a speaking event, where she led one of the most fun and memorable workshops I have ever attended. More recently, I worked with her one-on-one to help me improve my vocal skills, both as a professional speaker as well as professional singer. She met me right at my level, and helped me tremendously. I am better on both fronts for working with her. I highly recommend Laura: Hire her for your next event, and she will WOW your attendees with her fun, interactive style, or work with her one-on-one to improve your own vocal skills! -Michelle M Please spread the love and pass this along to a friend! Love, Laura Lake Oswego’s Transformational Voice® Teacher (Transformational Voice® is a registered trademark of Transformational Voice® Training Institute, LLC, and Linda Brice.) Laura