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Simply Authentic...Your Soul Voice is Calling. Four Things Not to Do in Business

Writer's picture: Kimberly GenlyKimberly Genly

Four Things Not to Do in Business My business model is rapidly changing and transforming, and those changes will soon be reflected in my website. It’s become clear some things just don’t work, while others do. You can only hold onto “This is it; I just know this is it!” without seeing results anywhere but in your glorious imagination for so long. Then you have to admit (and sometimes it feels like a low-hanging dog head)… I guess that wasn’t it after all. From traditional employment, being in business, and working with clients…here are the four biggest things I’ve learned NOT to do.

  1. Become attached to one right way. Give it all you’ve got. If it starts to feel like beating your head against a wall without gaining traction, stop. Get into your right creative mind, do some brainstorming, and find another avenue. In a similar vein, don’t become complacent because something is working for now. Keep the creative process alive as regularly as you eat dinner. Make it a habit to reach further and further into your potential, the possibilities, your Thriving Zone. Check out more detail about the Thriving Zone:

  2. Undervalue yourself. You simply must believe in your own value before anyone else will. Check out this video for ways to empower yourself when you’re not feeling bold.

  3. Choke up when you’re speaking. Even if you’re the very best at what you do, if you don’t speak confidentially about yourself and your products or services, no-one will want to work with you. You can learn to speak effectively and powerfully, on the breath, for a much bigger impact. Here’s a short, 10 minute, mini-voice lesson to help you on your way.

  4. Think the world is unkind and people want you to fail. The world is neutral. Really, truly! When you’re sitting in an audience, waiting to be entertained or inspired, you don’t want the speaker or actor to fail, do you? No! You want to be in love with the whole experience, with the speaker, and every member of the audience. Remember that while on-stage – you are giving the audience the gift of yourself, a gift they want and need, otherwise they wouldn’t be there. Think of the audience as your friends, not foes. Do you have another “not” to add? Please post it on the blog to help us all. If the idea of speaking in public about your business leaves you wanting to crawl under the covers and hide all day, e-mail me at to learn more about Authentic Performance for Speakers, Managers and Entrepreneurs. This is a short, mightily focused and affordable program to get you speaking in a way that will have your clients knocking down the door to work with you. If you found this post helpful, please spread the love and pass it along to a friend! Authentically Yours, Laura

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