Don’t Start Your Day Like This The alarm goes off. You groan. It seems like you just went to bed an hour ago. You press the snooze button to get “just a few more minutes” of sleep. This happens four times before you head to the kitchen to make coffee. You don’t want to be late to work. (Actually, you don’t want to go to work at all, but you need the paycheck, and your boss is a clock-watcher.) So, you skip shaving your legs and washing your hair but are still tense all the way to the office wondering how many red traffic lights you’ll hit. Sound familiar? Or perhaps this slightly different scenario does. You work from home, so your commute is eight feet. Your hungry cat or needs-outside dog is your alarm. You take care of the critters and sit down to check e-mails. The next thing you know, two hours have gone by and you haven’t even brushed your teeth. These may be common morning routines in our culture, but you and your authentic self don’t need to start your first Monday in 2017 like this! Really! I assign the “ME NOW” exercise – A Perfect Day in the Life of Your Authentic Self (free on the Products & Services page at – to every client at the start of every authentic expression class. One client in the Authentic Expression Wishweavers Circle started her day by writing, “I check e-mails.” I stopped her right there. Not because I wanted to interrupt, but because I wanted to be sure she truly understood the purpose of the exercise…to take you out of your comfort zone and into your authentic zone. How many of us, with the unlimited options of imagination, truly want to start our day by checking e-mails? Maybe I would have at the age of 16 (had e-mail existed then) if Erik Estrada was my junior prom date and said he would e-mail to confirm the details. I definitely would have then! The client agreed starting her day checking e-mails didn’t light her up. I’m guessing it doesn’t you either. It’s just a habit. And habits can be changed. What does light you up? How does waking up in Bali where you’re about to lead a retreat sound? What about going to your very first flying lesson since you’ve decided to get your pilot’s license? Or booking a long overdue vacation and researching your options in both Italy and Greece? Now you’re getting the idea. In the meantime, let me share a little secret. I rearranged my morning routine years ago, when I was still working a traditional 8 to 5 job. One small change made a huge difference. I decided to take a few quiet moments to myself before I even got in the shower. It’s so simple to ground and center yourself before starting your day, and it only takes a few minutes. I choose something inspirational and uplifting to read daily, first thing. Sometimes it’s a book with a year of daily meditations, such as Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach or Mark Nepo’s Book of Awakening. I went through “Abundance” for the third time this year and will be using “Awakening” for the second time in 2017. Sometimes it’s a perpetual calendar with short daily quotes. I have also gone back and forth between several different books I keep on my nightstand. You get the idea. This is how I start my day (with the hugging and kissing George part left out; we’ve only been living together for two years). Either the cat or the rising sun wakes me up. I go to the bathroom, feed the cat, and make a cup of tea, often with one bag of black British blend and one bag of mint. I take the cup (more accurately, a large mug) back to bed, prop up my pillows, and read the daily inspirational message. Often, I read from more than one book. I close my eyes for a few minutes and breathe deeply, envisioning light coming into my body, and energetic healing within. Often, I feel vibrations or may see different colors of light inside my mind’s eye. Sometimes my body slightly shudders or tingles as energy moves through it. That’s it! In three to eight minutes, you can alter the trajectory of your entire day! Now that my schedule is more flexible, this has become a favorite time of day for Lady Jane as well. She often jumps back into bed with me to revel in the peaceful and rejuvenating energy there. (Yes, this means I’m often reading with one hand and petting with the other, but that’s cool.) I often extend my time to 20 minutes, which is even better. But you choose what’s right for you and your schedule. Happy New Year! Let me know how you decide to start your first Monday in 2017, and how it works for you. I look forward to your comments on the blog. Authentically Yours, Laura Authentic Performance Acting Class (eight-week term) Starts Thursday, January 26, 2017. Go from being an effective speaker to being an inspiring speaker. Touch your audience emotionally. Practice your craft in a safe, nurturing and joyful environment. Email to reserve your spot.
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