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Simply Authentic...Your Soul Voice is Calling. Develop Confidence as Your Brain Re-Wires

Writer's picture: Kimberly GenlyKimberly Genly Develop Confidence as Your Brain Re-Wires “I would guess that it was not the awareness of the celebration, but a self-consciousness that said, I doubt. You must learn never to doubt yourself. It is a matter of discipline. The discipline of creation, whether it is a painting or writing or composition of music or running a successful business—the act of being in touch with both the intellect and intuition—is an effort towards wholeness. It is a spiritual act that requires reverence.” –From Rosanne Keller’s novel, A Summer All Her Own I’ve been facilitating Mastermind groups, wish-weaving, and writing about wish-weaving for over 15 years now. So you’d think it would be easy, maybe even old-hat, by now – right? Wrong! It’s shocking how often insecurities and self-doubt still creep in from time to time…especially when I’m re-arranging everything I know into a new and different format, amping things up a notch. I won’t pretend otherwise…sometimes I am utterly filled with excitement, exuberance and confidence surrounding my next project (currently, the soon-to-be announced Authentic Expression Wishweavers Circle series) and sometimes I wonder if moving back to my home town (or any small town somewhere no-one knows me) and scouring the help-wanted ads might not be such a bad idea. I complained (excuse me – expressed my frustration) about this recently in my Success Weavers Circle. Natalia reminded me this kind of thing happens while your brain is being re-wired. Each time we add a new skill or idea to our repertoire, or start thinking/experiencing differently, new neural pathways are created in our amazing brains. Our brain hemispheres have different functions: Left – logic, analysis, math, language; Right – creativity, intuition, emotion, motor skills. Ideally, they communicate effectively between themselves, like an intimate dinner party for two.  Unfortunately for most of us, the left brain is the loud cook yelling over the counter while the dinner guest waits quietly at the table in front of a large pitcher of martinis and one chilled glass. I went through a similar process in Transformational Voice® apprentice teacher training. At one of the most frustrating and insecurity-filled junctures, Linda explained frustration is actually a good sign – it means a breakthrough is right around the corner. This has turned out to be true for me each time. But that doesn’t make the between-time any more comfortable. So what do you do? You do this: 1) Get out of the house or office and walk. Pay attention to your surroundings. Breathe deeply. One of my best funk-lifters happened last week when I saw a bunch of kids playing basketball on the front driveway of a house right up the street. A lean brown dog wearing a red fabric collar with rhinestones on it was running around the kids, then came right up to me at the gate. I didn’t think it would be cool to stick my hand through the black iron slats unannounced, so I called out “Can I say ‘hi’ to your dog?” One of the young voices called back, “Sure!” I reached through the gate to pet the dog as she leaned up to kiss me, tail wagging like crazy. The woman of the house walked out just then, smiling, and mentioned how much the dog loved to share love. (In other words, she didn’t think I was weird for kissing her dog through the gate.) I asked the dog’s name and she said it was “Pretty”. My parting words were, “And she has the collar to prove it!” The woman laughed heartily, the kids kept playing basketball, Pretty wagged her tail as she followed Mom back into the house, and I continued my walk with a lighter step and attitude. 2) Find three things to repeat to yourself every time you need to work up your courage, like in the above video. 3) Celebrate each success, no matter how small. This is why a group like Success Weavers Circle is so important. If we forget to celebrate our successes, another member will remind us. If we share a success, others celebrate with us. Next week, I will share one particular success story from my Wishweavers Success Circle. In the meantime – if you’re going through a particularly challenging brain-rewiring, or self-defeating internal talk, which of these ideas might work best for you? What suggestions do you have for others? Let us know on the blog! If you found this post helpful, please share it with your friends! Authentically Yours, Laura

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