Speaking/performing in public can mean different things to different people. Yet one thing most people agree on is we want to make a connection - whether you're the person on stage speaking or in the audience. We're all in community, even if that community is virtual, on our laptops or pads. The speaker wants to reach their audience, even if the speaker is nervous, and the audience wants the speaker to succeed; they want to be inspired, touched, informed, educated; otherwise, they wouldn't be in the audience in the first place. This is why I do what I do as a voice teacher. My free webinar is coming up Friday already! I would love for you to join me and ask any questions have about your voice. Register here:
Beat performance anxiety
Overcome fear of public speaking
Kick your inner critic to the curb
Make your voice resonate and carry
Express your inner truth in your outer voice
And much more The world needs your authentic truth, spoken in your authentic voice. Come join me on the journey. Laura Handke, Lake Oswego’s Transformational Voice® Teacher Transformational Voice® is a registered trademark of Transformational Voice® Training Institute, LLC, and Linda Brice