Artificial Limitations
The waiter walked up to our table and smiled. “Good evening…I’m so happy to be able to serve you tonight. I wish we had a larger selection to offer, but we are a bit limited at the moment.”
I looked at the menu, but the inside was blank.
“There isn’t anything here,” I said. “Did something get misplaced…”
“No, sir, that’s the menu we have every night…which means that anything you order we can make.”
“But you just said that you were a bit limited.”
“Well, we are limited if you take into consideration your own past experience. You see, the only dishes you would be able to order are the ones you’ve either had or have heard of…Regardless of how much you know, there is still a great deal more that you do not. In that way, we are all a bit limited.”
“What he’s trying to say is that if you’re limited, we’re all limited,” Linda said to me. “That’s because we see each other slightly differently from how we might see ourselves. What happens to one happens to all…do you understand?”
“That’s correct, ma’am,” said the waiter. “In this case we’re both limited because I cannot think of or prepare what you do not order, and you cannot order what you do not know. It’s really quite simple.”
-From THE BARN DANCE, James Twyman
What would you like to order today from the great menu of life?
What do you not yetknow about that could be your greatest entrée yet?
Authentically Yours,