All My Training Products are Gluten Free I remember when the low fat/fat free trend in food products began in earnest. Suddenly my favorite yogurt brand had new low fat and fat free options…the only problem was six times the sugar was added. When my partner and I were grocery shopping recently, he held up a bag of tortilla chips and said, “Look, baby, gluten free!” As if wheat or related grain products were ever in corn chips…there are only three ingredients…yellow corn, vegetable oil, and salt! What’s next? Gluten free orange juice? There probably already is. Coca-cola? Q-tips?! Now, I know several people who are gluten intolerant or have other severe food allergies – there’s no question accurate food labeling is critical. And calling tortilla chips gluten free is certainly not false advertising; it’s just marketing. Yet, I personally find the degree of jumping on the gluten free labeling band wagon not entirely authentic. On a similar note, it’s kinda cool gap – teethed fashion models are suddenly in vogue and a perfect smile isn’t necessary for a modeling career…yet haven’t you seen photos where it appeared the gap was cosmetically, dentally, intentionally created to fit the trend? Eeewww!!! All of this “trend marketing” reminds me of a conversation I had with a colleague not too long ago, before we both resigned from our respective jobs in the claims industry. She had been applying for other positions with other companies for months before resigning, and hit on a big ah-ha moment: The difference between trying to fit herself into the qualifications for an open job posting and “selling herself” in an interview…vs. simply being open, honest and confident about her skills, interests and abilities and being herself in an interview. She had much greater success with the latter. It felt much better to her heart, and she started to find people she truly wanted to work with in environments and industries that felt like a good fit with her authentic nature. There’s no going back once you bring your authentic self out of the closet and stop selling yourself short. Thank God. Authentically Yours, Laura
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