A True Authentic Expression Wish-Weaving Story Jennifer and I worked together back in 2002 at what was, for both of us, the best office job we’ve ever had. We were placed in temporary assignments at a career services center in Corvallis, Oregon, for an international talent development and transition company, working with a superb manager in a creative and supportive environment. However, it was a temporary career center in a temporary location and eventually closed. Jennifer and I kept in touch for a while, exchanging Christmas cards and holiday letters, eventually reconnecting on Facebook. Early this fall, out of the blue, I received a long, heart-felt and detailed e-mail from Jennifer. Right before I was preparing to launch the first Authentic Expression Wishweavers Circle series. I was thrilled to hear from her and stunned by the timing. As I read her message, angel bumps (what I call goosebumps) covered my arms and legs. It was clear her reaching out was no coincidence – it was Divine timing. Jennifer had thought about contacting me many times before – but that day, she did. It is said when the student is ready, the teacher appears. I will add onto that when the teacher is ready, the right students appear. I don’t just teach...I learn from my clients and class members; we’re in this authentic wish-weaving process together. Jennifer contacted me after she’d reached what she had been taught was “success” in the corporate world. She had received raises, promotions, and accolades for her work with the company…and wondered why she was so miserable. This was success! Why wasn’t she happy? Then, in a sudden shift, the company restructured and Jennifer was called into her manager’s office. The manager expected Jennifer to be devastated upon hearing she was being let go, but instead Jennifer felt relief and gratitude, and had a small but mighty severance package to go along with it. New doors opened after that meeting. After believing for years she didn’t have a creative bone in her body, Jennifer took an art class and started to paint. And she sold some of her paintings. She started refinishing furniture and found great joy in the process. She joined the Authentic Expression Wishweavers Circle and started to dream again, with the support of her fellow Wish-weavers. Jennifer dived right into the “Me Now” exercise, a perfect day in the life of her authentic self, and found it freeing and expansive. She loved the positive vibe in the group and felt comfortable sharing her dreams. The first was having her own store, where she could sell her artwork and refinished furniture. She found the location and didn’t have the $10,000 down-payment. With the support of the group, she found avenues for alternative financing to research, and made a connection with the current owner of the store. This woman invited Jennifer to come in and spend time there; get to know the clientele, before the owner retires from the store in a year or two. Jennifer still believes this store is in her future. In the meantime, she has connected with people while volunteering in a soup kitchen, has become a mentor for a 16-year-old girl who considers her a precious confidante, and has realized her purpose is to help people. Jennifer has also realized that by breaking the pattern of “Corporate Success is the Only Road to Success” in her family, she can support her children in realizing their own dreams. (Even if they have nothing to do with corporate business!) You can see why Jennifer is not only a student of mine, but a heroine. Why I have learned from her. And why I look forward to people like her in the next AEWWC beginning in February, where you have a wish-weaving community for life. If you found this post helpful, please share it with your friends! Authentically Yours, Laura A great holiday gift idea: 30% off Comfort Food from the Heartland cookbook now through Christmas. Just $15.99, including shipping! $1 from every sale benefits Salem Friends of the Felines. https://laurahandke.com/products-services/. Join me at New Renaissance Bookshop December 10th, 11-1:00 for my class: Authentic Expression: When It’s Time for a Change. Just $20 per person for a transformational event which will take you from a day in the life of your fully expressed authentic self to walking out with steps to take, and people to connect with, in service to your highest authentic expression and potential. Call the store to register: 503-224-4929. Authentic Performance Acting Class Starts Thursday, January 26, 2017 - Buckle your seatbelts and get ready for a wild ride of fun and growth!
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