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Simply Authentic...Your Soul Voice is Calling. A Darned-Near Perfect Day

Writer's picture: Kimberly GenlyKimberly Genly

A Darned-Near Perfect Day Today was a darned-near perfect day. I woke up before 7:30, without an alarm. Made a cup of tea and went back to bed, with cat Lady Jane, for my morning inspirational reading time and a brief meditation. By 9:00, I was ready for my on-line meeting with the wonderful women in my Soul-Aligned Mastermind group. Then ran errands and made myself a delicious lunch. My 1:00 voice student had made amazing progress since her last lesson. Startling, even. She’d been doing her homework. I don’t take credit for this. I credit my student for three things, which she owns with consciousness and awareness. 1) As 2017 turned to 2018, Paivi realized she was no longer going to be the woman standing quietly in the corner, while people asked her to speak up when she talked. She knew her voice was ready to come out, and she was ready to fully express herself in front of people. 2) The work she had been doing with a coach since last fall started to sink in. 3) She scheduled her first voice lesson. Paivi’s voice now rings out with confidence, clarity and resonance. Her coach commented on it, too. When I experience something like this, I remember all over again why I do what I do. This transformation in Paivi’s voice in such a short period of time is truly remarkable. All the elements came together at just the right time, because she was truly ready. And, because Paivi and I both had an extra hour after the lesson, we went on a walk together. I share my neighborhood with peafowl who’ve been here far longer than me, and they came out in full display for Paivi today. We enjoyed Mother Nature’s glory for a full 40 minutes, along with inspiring conversation and good exercise. My 4:00 phone appointment turned into another voice student booking a session for later this month, and then I received an e-mail that New Renaissance Bookshop accepted my proposal to do a workshop there. I suggested we do it next month and am inquiring into best dates/times. My partner and I are making a simple, delicious, and mostly healthy dinner tonight of grilled chicken breasts, baked potatoes (the Mexican sour cream might not be all that healthy), and fresh green salads. We may watch a movie. Lady will be movie-watching with us on the living room couch. How could this day have been even more perfect? (I recommend Barbara Sher’s Ideal Day Exercise from her wonderful book, Wishcraft, every chance I get.) If I had just received the direct deposit or check from that $2500 workshop I did last week. If Lady knew how to use the toilet and flush it herself. (I once saw a cat do that, on TV!) If the reservations for my trip to Bali in April (where I will be teaching a workshop) were just confirmed. If my laundry items had come out of the dryer, folded themselves, and put themselves away (after all, as a child I Dream of Jeannie aficionado, a part of me still believes in magic.) That’s how my day could have been better. Yet I’m completely content and fulfilled with this day exactly as it’s been. I wish the same for you, my friends. If you found this post helpful, please spread the love and pass it along to a friend! Laura Handke’s Transformational Voice® therapy lessons are wonderful! She is a treasure trove of valuable information about voice, speaking, singing and acting. Laura guides you in understanding how your own voice “works” and provides easy practices to do between appointments. I want to thank Laura for being a very warm, encouraging, supportive vocal coach. I warmly recommend her. -Paivi Panttila Vargas Authentically Yours, Laura

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