Hi Everyone,
I've been inspired to start working on a writing project that's been in the back of my mind for some time.
Would you please share with me what some of your favorite responses are to that common greeting in the US, "How are you?" Most of us simply say, "Fine," knowing the person asking doesn't really want to know...it's just a greeting.
When I say favorite responses, I mean not only what you actually say, but what you wish you could say, in honesty, or might like to hear from the person asking "How are you?"
Your responses can be funny, irreverant, true, filled with cuss words, kind, deep, dark...whatever pops into your mind!
I'm really looking forward to your input, friends!
Blessings & Best Wishes, Laura
Laura Handke
Author of Six Degrees to Your Dreams, Editor's Choice Award recipient, iUniverse
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Transformational Voice Training Institute Teacher, http://www.transformvoice.com/
Certified Oneness Deeksha Giver
Reiki Practitioner, Level II
See me on TV! http://yoursoulawareness.blip.tv/file/4392233/
One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach--waiting for a gift from the sea. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Vision without action is a daydream; action without vision in a nightmare. - Japanese Proverb