The Portland Fertile Ground Festival ( runs through February 6th and has SO many wonderful shows – 38, to be precise – I don’t know if I’ll have time to watch them all!
I hope you have the chance to catch our plays here. If you watch at 5:00 pm PST Saturday, Feb. 5th, please join us for a Zoom Happy Hour after the show at
One of our actresses, Stephanie Crowley, had this to say about being cast in the show:
One of my favorite things about Second Chances and New Beginnings is that it features women of my age (50s) as leading characters. Not only that, it lets audiences in on the big secret — that learning who you are, and what you want, isn’t limited to your teens and twenties. Many of us set out on a path during those years, or fell into a path by accident … but at some point, whether it’s after our kids are grown or our careers begin to wind down, we begin to realize there were dreams set aside, passions left wanting, pieces of ourselves that have been waiting for us to really put everything else down and focus on ourselves.
I think, especially as women, we are encouraged to put everyone else first. Consequently, we end up neglecting ourselves sometimes, sacrificing our own dreams and pleasures in order for others to find theirs — or, like party girl Larae, we indulge our pleasures as a way of avoiding the real work that we have in front of us. Sooner or later, we all come to that place of reexamining the life we’ve chosen, and having a compassionate friend to listen and share the process is invaluable. This is one of the top ten favorite shows I’ve been in.
The first review, from a playwright and actress I deeply respect, was this:
Just watched Second Chances, written by Laura Handke and Jennifer Solberg. A compelling story about the reuniting of a friendship, and the growth of two women whose lives diverge and ultimately reconnect as both reflect and dive deeper into the heart of who they really are. The dialogue, the story, the acting all hum with timely, relatable grains of truth. It was really good. I was engaged throughout. -Johanna Courtleigh.
What an honor! I so look forward to Saturday, and hopefully joining you for a post-show Happy Hour.
Until next time, wishing you all the second chances or new beginnings for which your soul may long.
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