If you’ve read my first book, Six Degrees to Your Dreams, you know I subscribe to the six degrees of separation theory, which I call six degrees of connection. describes it this way: Six degrees of separation is the theory that any person on the planet can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances that has no more than five intermediaries.
It’s like the six degrees of Kevin Bacon movie trivia game, which goes like this. Pick any actor alive today. Let’s say Julia Roberts. She was in Flatliners with Kevin Bacon, one degree. How about John Travolta? He was in Phenomenon with Forest Whitaker, who worked with Sean Penn in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, who was in Mystic River with Kevin Bacon. Three Degrees. Keira Knightly? She co-starred in Pirates of the Caribbean with Johnny Depp, who was in Black Mass with Kevin Bacon. Two degrees.
Thanks to my interview with filmmaker Paul Bright, I learned I’m three degrees from Kevin Bacon since Paul is two!
But that’s not where the synchronicities end.
Early in 2021, I was in a short play for Chapel Theatre’s Winter Play Festival, and so was Paul, in a different play. I watched all of the shows and was stunned by Paul’s noteworthy performance as a heron. Yes, the large waterfowl. I reached out to him on Facebook and we became connected that way.
Months previously, my co-writer, Jen, and I had been finalizing the script for our first play, Second Chances. I put out a call for local actresses to read via Zoom and give suggestions on the script. Three of the talented and experienced actresses who helped us were Yelena King, Eleanor O’Brien and Maria Mogavero.
When I found out Maria had experience with screen-writing, she started helping me with another project. Then in June of 2021 Paul was looking for “extras” (watch the video to find out why Paul doesn’t like the word “extra”) for just 15 minutes of Pocket Mouse Protector shooting in a park in NE Portland. Just guess which three actresses were already cast in the film? Ahem, yes, Yelena, Eleanor and Maria. How many degrees is this now? I’m getting confused. Anyhoo, I got a free listing on IMBd and $20 for my time, energy and gas money; I thought, “Why not?!” Speaking of degrees, the park filming turned out to be on the hottest, driest day of the summer. Thankfully, a huge old oak tree provided shade.
That was nearly a year ago, and now the movie is done and being submitted to film festivals. Watch my interview with Paul for more details!
You can see the trailer here:
PS. I joined Paul and some of my castmates for a private screening Tuesday evening. It turns out I’m not actually in the film! Paul thought I was – the camera scanning seemed to stop just before me. He’ll look through the footage, but regardless, since I was there, I have my role as Government Liaison. I was impressed with how well the movie came together after being filmed and edited under challenging circumstances. Be prepared for some partial nudity, a variety of bedroom scenes, and you may always wonder exactly how to pronounce the word perignothis.
Better to hope for the best and deal with the worst, than expect the worst and miss the best. -Sarah Morgan, from her novel "One Summer in Paris".
After she is tragically orphaned, young Abella loses the ability to speak her truth and express herself. She is sent to live with a reclusive uncle she’s never met, and her only friend is her horse. Abella endures heartbreak, loneliness and questions who she truly is inside. Eventually, she meets friends and animals who help her not only regain her voice, but also uncover her strength and purpose. Purchase How Abella Found her Voice for $4.95 here:
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