Oh my God. I’m cranky. Irritable. My body feels tense. I only remember laughing once all day today. And it’s not because of taxes!
Of course. The inner knowing came to me last week and I didn’t honor it. I need a play date! With myself. What Julia Cameron might call an Artist’s Date.
When I was married and stepmother of three sons from 1994 – 2006, as the boys grew older and moved in with us as teenagers, I made a point of taking a quarterly retreat. Every three months I’d pick somewhere to go for a long weekend…the Manzanita coast, McKenzie River Valley…just to get away and recharge my spiritual and emotional batteries. I always came home a happier person.
Last year, I – like you – was forced to stay home most of the time because of the Covid-19 virus. My creativity happened to open up during this period as I wrote the book I’m proudest of (Purchase How Abella Found her Voice for $4.95 here: https://laurahandke.com/product/how-abella-found-her-voice-e-book/ ) and co-wrote my first play.
Other than that, and perfecting a couple of new bread recipes, I have been totally in a rut. When was the last time I went somewhere I’ve never been before? When was the last time you did?
Do you need a play date? Or a full-on vacation? Please schedule one with yourself and tell me all about it.
I made a play date with myself for May 14th, the same day my newsletter is coming out. I’ll write about my play date in the next blog/newsletter. Until then, here’s a note about a play date I had back in 2018, almost exactly three years ago. https://laurahandke.com/simply-authentic-your-soul-voice-is-calling-get-out-of-the-rut-make-a-play-date/
Thanks for keeping me in your inbox and on your read list.
Celebrating MANY VOICES: One World! Purchase How Abella Found her Voice for $4.95 here: https://laurahandke.com/product/how-abella-found-her-voice-e-book/ Please spread the love and pass this along to a friend!
Love Your Voice & Voice Your Love,
Lake Oswego’s Transformational Voice® Teacher (Transformational Voice® is a registered trademark of Transformational Voice® Training Institute, LLC, and Linda Brice.)