Are you having as hard a time as I am believing the holiday season is upon us again already? Where has 2021 gone?
The first read-through of Second Chances & New Beginnings is Sunday via Zoom and I am so excited to see the dialog Jen and I wrote come to life with our talented cast!
I’m also so grateful we can congregate with other fully COVID-vaccinated people this holiday season. Loving to cook as I do, I already have the menu planned for our Thanksgiving dinner here with friends Lorinda and Richard. Let me know in the comments if you will be feasting on something other than the traditional turkey dinner!
I’ll be tossing a salad, steaming some broccoli, and baking lasagna. Great Aunt Martha’s lasagna recipe is here. Photos are here.
And here’s my mom’s English toffee recipe.
-1 C butter
-1 C packed brown sugar
-Slivered or diced almonds (or other nut of your choice), approximately ¼ C
-Milk chocolate bars (approximately 6 regular size, around 8 oz) broken into pieces
Grease cookie sheet and sprinkle nuts in an oval shape.
Melt butter and brown sugar on medium low and heat to 290 on candy thermometer, stirring constantly to keep from scorching.
Pour hot mixture over nuts on cookie sheet. Top with chocolate pieces and spread around as chocolate melts. Sprinkle with more nuts on top.
Cool. Put in frig to further cool, until the batch will easily break apart in pieces with the tip of a sturdy knife. Store in frig. Also freezes beautifully! Enjoy.
GoFundMe account for 2022 Portland Fertile Ground Festival’s production of Second Chances & New Beginnings: $1045 of $1800 raised so far! Thank you, donors!
Celebrating MANY VOICES: One World! Purchase How Abella Found her Voice for $4.95 here:
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Love Your Voice & Voice Your Love,