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Getting Enthused and Organized

Writer's picture: Kimberly GenlyKimberly Genly

When creativity begins to crumble

I don’t know about you, but I went through a creative dry spell during much of the initial COVID-19 lockdown, and this was before the horror of racial injustice hit the news. I can’t even talk about that in this post. Just check out this guy, my dear friend: he’s helping tip the scales in the right direction.

I did write a new speech and got great feedback on it. Taught my voice students via Zoom and walked outside. Other than that, I spent a lot more time in the kitchen cooking and baking than I normally do.

Then, suddenly, my spirit and mind got tired of stagnating, and all these new ideas started coming to me. On my Godwalks. In the shower. One in particular after I met Ashley-Ann Pereira through Kwesi Millington’s Spectacular Speakers group.

I've written three books:

but not yet a book about vocal technique! Ashley-Ann totally inspired me to start it. The book will accompany an online and/or virtual class, PS (for public speaking), Your Voice Could Be Better!, for those who want it – and a weekly drop-in Zoom Voice Lab. 

This is the process I’m using to start my new book, and my tips to you for getting enthused and organized when your creative longings start demanding attention. Note my suggestions are tactical and use actual paper, but I’m sure you can do it digitally as well. I, personally, need to get away from electronic screens during the initial stages of a creative process. And, I always take a Godwalk outside in nature first!

Write down every single idea, as it comes to you, on an individual sticky note. Use large sticky notes of different colors. The ideas will start to show you themes, and each color can be dedicated to one of the themes. When you’re ready to organize, discard the ideas that no longer work and organize the ones that do. Stick one large easel-sized paper piece for each theme on the wall and put each related sticky note on that large paper piece for the corresponding theme.

Once you have everything organized into groups, you can transfer notes in the separate categories to one sheet for an ongoing plan, taking off notes as you complete each task. I like to put 3 (up to 5) weekly goals on my calendar each week. Make sure to include time to yourself and nurturing your inner and outer voice on your calendar as well.

What would you like most to hear about in the online/virtual classes? Would Saturdays from 10:00 am -- Noon ST or Noon – 2:00 pm PST be good for the drop-in Voice Lab? Let me know! I’m enthused, excited, getting organized, and wishing you the same.  

Please spread the love and pass this along to a friend!

Love Your Voice and Voice Your Love,


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