Fall leaves in my neighborhood.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’d love to hear how you United Staters are celebrating the holiday this year. I try and make a point of finding gratitude in every day…yet this year the holiday earmarked for giving thanks does seem to have a deeper meaning after the trauma surrounding the 2020 holiday season. I so look forward to hosting friends for a non-traditional Italian-themed meal here at home.
The plays Jen and I wrote are in the capable hands of our director, Meghan Daaboul. Above is a photo from the live Zoom read-through with the whole cast – so exciting!
In January, I’ll be heading to Arizona, my old stomping grounds, for an intensive three-day Upside Summit with Lisa Marie Platske. https://www.upsidesummit.com/action-taker?fbclid=IwAR3fq6Nuvno4YiRLXsVowQzCmPtAP-h3CR9yLKLZDW3YjqG3PXbHQPcWkZE
I have a feeling this experience will help me gain even more clarity on where it is my Divine Purpose wants to guide me from here. So…it’s a perfect time to pull out the trusty Ideal Day exercise from Barbara Sher’s amazing book, Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want.
Have you ever done this exercise? Ohmigosh, it’s so much fun! And really helps you zone in on where you want to go from here. I just updated mine and have created a simple version you can do on your own. Just go here https://laurahandke.com/free-stuff/ and download the PDF of the Me Now Exercise.
It’s far too easy to slide into inertia and/or holiday/shopping frenzy this time of year. I suggest instead plenty of rest and nurturing of our inner souls. Creating whatever holiday festivities and gift-giving brings us pleasure and joy. And taking everything moment by moment.
GoFundMe account for 2022 Portland Fertile Ground Festival’s production of Second Chances & New Beginnings: https://gofund.me/072d7484. $1045 of $1800 raised so far! Thank you, donors!
Celebrating MANY VOICES: One World! Purchase How Abella Found her Voice for $4.95 here: https://laurahandke.com/product/how-abella-found-her-voice-e-book/
Please spread the love and pass this along to a friend!
Love Your Voice & Voice Your Love,