From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who contributed entries for a new title/catch phrase for the “Dreams Come True” speech.
Several entries were inspiring, yet the one which most struck our hearts in resonance with the meaning of the speech was from…drum roll please…Shannon Milliman! Thank you, Shannon!
Shannon shared ideas like: Seeking Light with a Car, Cat and $23. Unnamed Angels Ahead. "Shhhh, I hear something ..."is it bells?" "is it car brakes?" "is it the neighbor yelling?" and answer with "is that my 'inner voice' whispering sweet somethings?" Let the audience know the weight of what your inner voice/intuition illuminates. Red light now inevitably means green light next! Awful moment means light ahead! Listen and let light lead.
Two Honorable Mentions go to:
Beth Nelson for If you look UP, Your dreams will come DOWN.
Lorinda Scott for This is how I learned…to trust my journey will lead me where I need to be.
The working speech title now includes an acronym based on three dates in the speech, each with a different message:
Your Dreams Come True When You APL (sounds like apple):
A: Ask for Help
P: Pay Attention to Signs
L: Listen to Your Inner Voice
Thank you, again, readers. I so appreciate you! I’ll let you know when the next version of the speech is ready. In the meantime, love yourself, people of all colors, and *those you disagree with or don't care for* as much as possible right now. The world needs lots and lots and lots of love.
Please spread the love and pass this along to a friend!
Love Your Voice and Voice Your Love,
Lake Oswego’s Transformational Voice® Teacher (Transformational Voice® is a registered trademark of Transformational Voice® Training Institute, LLC, and Linda Brice.)