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A Christmas Carol: A Radio Production by Mask & Mirror Community Theatre

Writer's picture: Kimberly GenlyKimberly Genly

Friends, students, and readers,

I’m tickled pink to have been cast in Mask & Mirror’s radio production of A Christmas Carol!

Oh, the acting bug had been biting hard again – it’s been two years since I was last on stage (you can read about my experience in Das Kaspar Theatre here: other than playing piano for Mask & Mirror’s wonderful production of Rabbit Hole last summer. “The Stage”, of course, looks very different now, thanks to COVID-19. The director, Daniel Hobbs, and all of we cast and crew members are working from home via Zoom. Performances (pre-recorded) begin December 18, 2020. You can read all about it here:

We’ve only just begun the rehearsal process, but I’m so excited already!

Das Kaspar was a huge stretch for me as an actress for many reasons. The dialog, subject matter, my first staged reading, playing drunk and falling off a barstool, ultimately dying on stage.

A Christmas Carol is a huge stretch for many other reasons. Dickens’ classic is one of the most beloved (including by me) Christmas stories of all time, re-written for radio by the director. The audience can’t see us; only hear us. I’ve been cast in three different small roles which require three different distinct voices. This is my first experience with voice-only acting, and I can’t even get together in person with my director and cast-mates!

Bah! Humbug!!

Just kidding.

I’m super excited about the show and invite you to join us for performances. We are all volunteers and the show is a gift to our audience. Yet I hope you will give a generous donation to support the theatre. We can all use more creative expression and uplifting entertainment in these challenging times.

Whether you have on your holiday table “the bestest goose that ever was”, like Tiny Tim, a lasagna, like I’m making, or a turkey or tofurky, I wish you and yours a happy and blessed Thanksgiving. God bless us, everyone.

Please spread the love and pass this along to a friend!

Love Your Voice & Voice Your Love,


Lake Oswego’s Transformational Voice® Teacher (Transformational Voice® is a registered trademark of Transformational Voice® Training Institute, LLC, and Linda Brice.)

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